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Tricky challenge? Sandbox it

The power of the scratch pad when tackling tricky problems

Evergreen Topic: Think of it as a gateway to other notes, thoughts, and resources. I'll be adding to this as I learn more

Who's this for ? Interested in the art and science of learning how to learn? Me too! This post is for you.

I've learnt this way of thinking through teaching myself to code over the years but it's pretty applicable to most skill based things I'm learning.

It's pretty simple, but I often times overlook its power.

If there's a large, tricky challenge that I can't quite get a grasp of, I'll break it down into a small, manageable project and see if I can work through the problem that way.

Make it low risk

The beauty of the sandbox approach is there's little to no risk, there's no hesitation of messing anything up, this is only for learning purposes, the equvelant of grabbing a scrap piece of paper and scribbling down some ideas.

More notes to come from Tricky challenge? Sandbox it!
I like to note down key people like Tricky challenge? Sandbox it...

Drawing example

Challenge:Learning line-work Example: Breaking down others work in small chunks

Digital sculpting example

Challenge: Sculpting a face Example: Experiment on a sphere first

Coding example

Challenge: Pull all newsletters from the Convertkit API and having them show up on the website Example: See if I can get one showing up correctly first

Learn my process for stylized digital art

50+ ratings, 4.8 stars

This is a 7+ hour real-time walk-through filled with actionable, in-context explanations of my thoughts and techniques.