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Learning Youtube

My ever growing list of youtube insights as I try to grow my channel

Post image

Evergreen Topic: Think of it as a gateway to other notes, thoughts, and resources. I'll be adding to this as I learn more

Who's this for ? Content creators interested in following a fellow creator's transparent business journey on social media.

More notes to come from Learning Youtube!
I like to note down key people like Learning Youtube...

Longer Interviews/content


Story telling

Channel creation / strategy

Starting a YouTube channel in 2023 - Think Media

  • Who is your channel for
  • What problem does it solve
  • Keyword research
  • External sharing of videos (both community on YouTube and email/social)
  • Make a part 2 of well performing videos
  • Make a video podcast and clip them up

Making and engaging video

Thumbnails and acquisition

Present the idea in an interesting way πŸ‘†πŸ‘†

Call To Actions (Subscribe etc etc)

Video Types

Viewer empathy

Learn my process for stylized digital art

50+ ratings, 4.8 stars

This is a 7+ hour real-time walk-through filled with actionable, in-context explanations of my thoughts and techniques.